Solo Logan Traverse
May 01
#12: Modo Hibernación / Hibernation mode
Published at 01:17
(English below) Hoy, densas nubes envolvieron el Monte Logan, privando a Natalia de la visibilidad necesaria para cruzar el campo de grietas que la separa del plateau superior. Y por desgracia, los pronósticos anuncian una tormenta de tres días, por lo que es probable que tenga que ponerse a "invernar" unos días antes de seguir hacia la cumbre. Es ahora cuando se justifica la pesada carga que subió con tanto esfuerzo, pues con más de 12 días de comida y combustible, se puede echar a esperar con calma a que el sol vuelva a brillar en el Logan. ¡¡¡Paciencia y a reponer fuerzas!!!
*** English ***
Dense clouds shrouded Mount Logan today, depriving Natalia of the necessary visibility to safely navigate trough the crevasse field between her and the summit plateau. Unfortunately the forecast shows a three days storm, so it is likely that she will have to go into for a few days into "hibernation" before resuming its route to the summit. It is now when the heavy loads she pulled up the ridge become handy, because with more than 12 days of food and fuel left, she can sit unconcerned to wait for the sun to shine again over Mount Logan. Patience and recover your strength Nati!
*** English ***
Dense clouds shrouded Mount Logan today, depriving Natalia of the necessary visibility to safely navigate trough the crevasse field between her and the summit plateau. Unfortunately the forecast shows a three days storm, so it is likely that she will have to go into for a few days into "hibernation" before resuming its route to the summit. It is now when the heavy loads she pulled up the ridge become handy, because with more than 12 days of food and fuel left, she can sit unconcerned to wait for the sun to shine again over Mount Logan. Patience and recover your strength Nati!
- Name: C5
- Elevation: 3903 m
- Latitude: 60° 34’ 38” North
- Longitude: 140° 16’ 31” West